Keep it Fresh

Let's talk coffee freshness and how to make your excellent coffee last longer!

You invest in good coffee so why would you not put in the effort to keep it as fresh as possible? Coffee freshness ensures the rich flavors and aromatics last as long as possible. Proper storage and handling is the key to coffee freshness. Let’s dive into some specifics of how you can make your coffee taste great longer.

What Makes Coffee Go Stale?

Fresh roasted coffee holds CO2 that is slowly released over time. If you’ve ever tasted coffee fresh from the roaster you might have noticed a metallic flat flavor profile. This is why we let coffee rest. This is also why it is important to buy coffee in sealed bags with a valve. That valve allows the CO2 to be expelled while blocking oxygen from entering. So what makes coffee stale? Oxygen. Once all the CO2 is expelled this bean is oxidizing and the freshness decreases. However, seal it up and the coffee can stay fresh for months. Once you open that sealed bag, it is a race against time and oxidization. You should drink the coffee within the next week to ensure freshness.

Maximizing Coffee Freshness!

Ideal situation is you buy a bag of coffee and crack into it a week or so after the roast date on the bag and you finish the bag within a week.


However, if that is not feasible, you could keep your coffee in an airtight container. Each day when you take the beans out to grind and brew you are minimizing exposure to oxygen and therefore prolonging your beans shelf life. Let’s say you buy a few bags at a time. You should put the bags you aren’t going to open soon in the freezer. Work through the bag you leave out and when it’s time pull the next bag out and leave it at room temperature. Freezing coffee is a controversial topic with experts because most freezers are very humid and the thawing process can expose the beans to condensation. And having wet beans is a no-go!

Take a look at these THIS-OR-THAT scenarios:

Whole Bean or Ground?

Whole Bean! Buying whole bean ensures that the beans rest properly and slowly release their gases. They have less surface area which slows the process and allows for proper flavor development. If you don't have a grinder, you can get something cheap online or invest in something expensive but reliable!

Buying for someone and don't know if they have a grinder? You can buy ground coffee for them but ask if they have a grinder once you give it to them. That way you know for next time!

Freezer or Counter?

For daily use: Counter! Storing coffee in the freezer and taking from it each morning exposes the beans to a LOT of humid air from the freezer and will cause the beans to crystalize. Store your weekly coffee usage on the counter!

If you buy in bulk, portion out your coffee! Using baggies or mason jars pre-measure weekly amounts and store in the freezer. Then each week you will have the amount you need ready for you! This minimizes the humid air exposure and allows for bulk purchasing.

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